Micronutrient treatment and microbial therapeutics

The need for vital substances differs from person to person. Leading a stressful life with little physical exercise makes it hard to maintain a good physical balance.

Microbial therapeutics such as tailored auto-vaccine therapies can help patients especially with allergies, recurring infections, and intolerances.

After a precise blood analysis and possibly a scatoscopy and/ or urine test, a patient’s metabolism can be fine-tuned and biochemically regulated.

This applies to various needs and aspects of medical treatment:

People with pre-existing conditions

A sufficient supply of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega fatty acids) are helpful for good cellular function. Important blood levels should be analysed and any deficiencies found treated with an optimised diet and micronutrient supplement. In addition to the large functional group of B vitamins, the homocysteine parameter plays a vital role. A pro-inflammatory substance, an increased homocysteine concentration goes hand in hand with the risk for the cardiovascular system of heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, regarding a fatty liver or high cholesterol, a fine-tuning of thyroid hormones is very important.

Medication can have many unwanted side-effects. Cholesterol-lowering medication, for example, does not only block the production of cholesterol, but also of the co-enzyme Q10 which plays an important role in energy production within the cell. Gastric acid blockers such as Pantozol lead to a deficiency of different vitamins and minerals, and are often taken over the course of decades without any supplements. Also, the diabetes medication Metformin leads to a vitamin B12 and magnesium deficiency.

Such side-effects caused by deficiencies medication has caused, can be reduced, by supplementing with the micronutrients needed and consequently improve tolerance of the medication.

Healthy people / athletes (“Metabolic tuning”)

Even people without acute or chronic illnesses can, in times of stress or also preventively, benefit from micronutrient treatment. The oral contraceptive, for example, can lead to a deficiency of several of the B-vitamins. Through precise analysis and subsequent optimisation of your micronutrient status, a revitalisation of cellular functions, illness prevention, and an improved quality of living to a high age can be achieved. Athletes can profit from functional regulatory medicine to improve their performance and prevent damage and deficiencies.

People wishing to become pregnant / during pregnancy

As soon as they start planning a family, women can take measures to be physically prepared for a pregnancy. This can happen in addition to a healthy diet and a sufficient intake of folic acid. After consulting her ob-gyn, supporting the metabolism before, during, and after a pregnancy is helpful especially during times of heightened stress levels (e.g. due to a demanding job). Metabolism analysis is particularly sensible for both partners involved if they are having trouble conceiving. Apart from lifestyle factors, a tailored intake of micronutrients and possibly hormones, and support of the intestines (microbiome) play an important role.

People who don’t feel well

An analysis of your metabolism as well as a scatoscopy are useful if you suffer from a dysfunction (e.g. allergies, sleep disorder, susceptibility to infection, indigestion, fatigue, tiredness, joint/ muscle pain) without having found a traceable physical origin. In addition, Liebscher & Bracht pain therapy and/or acupuncture can effectively treat pain conditions.

Services provided at my private practice in Frankfurt

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