

I strive to provide the best possible service to support you with your medical needs. My focus is an individual choice of diagnostic and therapeutic methods from both conventional as well as alternative complementary medicine. I take as much time as needed to answer all your questions and treat you to the best of my knowledge. All services are billed in accordance with the German medical fee schedule (GOÄ). This includes an enhancement factor between 1 and 2.3 to precisely evaluate different services. Should a treatment be overly time-consuming or particularly difficult, an enhancement factor of up to 3.5 (rarely higher) is applied. This is always stated clearly and explained thoroughly on the bill. Diagnostic procedures and treatments that are not listed by the GOÄ, are billed as so-called Analogleistungen in accordance with the statutory provisions (see GOÄ §6, section 2). This usually applies to holistic treatments.

Refund of expenses

Please clarify all issues related to your coverage beforehand to see if you are eligible for a refund for treatments above an enhancement factor of 2.3 and/ or treatments that are not listed by the GOÄ (“Analogleistung”).

Privately insured patients can hand in bills and costs for prescribed medication to their health insurance or benefits office. The refund depends on your particular insurances/ benefits status. Generally, treatment costs up to the individually agreed upon enhancement factors are refunded.

So-called Analogleistungen (see “Fees”) can be excluded from a refund even though they are sensible medical treatments in my experience. I recommend clarifying beforehand.

Needless to say, patients with statutory health insurance are also most welcome in my practice. However, a refund will only be granted in isolated cases.

Should you not be eligible for a full refund, please see this as an investment in your health.

I would be happy to provide more information in a personal consultation.

Services provided at my private practice in Frankfurt

online Doctolib